Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

My Daughter and Son

Comparison and Contrast Paragraph – 3rd assignment
My Daughter and Son
Even though my daughter and son are both still children, but they are strikingly different in many ways. Of course, their physical appearance is different since they have different gender; one is female and the other is male. But, other than that, they are also quite different in behavior. My daughter always cleans and puts the toys, books, and everything that they played into its place orderly, where as my son does not care about it. However, my son usually keeps his sister feel safe within the surrounding darkness of the night when the light is off. On the other hand, my son always wants to be stronger than his sister. Although they are different, they can still get along well. I am very proud of both of them and I will always thank God for that.
-oOo -

Kamis, 17 November 2011

My Son is a Top Clown

Composition, 2nd assignment – Description Paragraph – 1st draft
Petrus Yohanes Putra 20112003010

My Son is a Top Clown

Kevin is my son. His age is 6 this year but he always acts like adult. He is of medium build for his age, about 110 cm. tall and 20 kg. in weight. He is not fat but not too thin either, not tall but also not too short. Two days ago, he acted like a funny clown like what he saw on TV. He adorned his face with talcum powder and used my wife’s lipstick to make the area around his mouth red. And then, he wore my shirt so that the loose-fitting clothes dwarfed him. After that, he walked to the living room where my wife, my daughter and I were sitting. He walked there like a little ghost, had long arms without hands, and walked down without legs. “I’m a clown” he said. He was very funny and his action could make anyone laugh along with him. This is why I claim my son a top clown.
-oOo -

Selasa, 08 November 2011


Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi Marah

Mengapa Anda marah? Bagaimana Cara anda Mengatasi Marah?
Berikut ini artikel tentang Cara mengatasi marah.

“Berhentilah marah” demikian nasihat penulis kitab Mazmur 37:8. Alkitab memperingatkan kita tentang kemarahan. Dan banyak ayat di kitab Mazmur, dan khususnya Ratapan, menunjukkan cara bijak dalam menangani kemarahan. Namun sayangnya banyak orang Kristen saat ini hanya sedikit yang mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menangani kemarahannya.

Kemarahan adalah emosi yang juga diberikan oleh Tuhan. Kita merasa marah ketika keinginan kita tidak tercapai, ketika kita takut tidak bisa mendapatkan apa yang kita mau. Kemarahan itu seperti sakit kepala: itu adalah sebuah sinyal adanya sesuatu yang salah dan membutuhkan perhatian. Mungkin Anda tidak mengatakannya “tidak”kepada siapapun atau sesuatu yang sangat penting bagi Anda. Mungkin Anda merasa kelebihan beban dan tidak bisa mengungkapkan rasa penat Anda. Atau Anda merasa terluka dan membutuhkan perhatian.

Kita mungkin tidak dapat mengendalikan sikap kita, menjadi orang yang pasif atau sebaliknya agresif, atau mengubah kemarahan menjadi rasa bersalah. Atau kita mungkin hidup dalam kemarahan dan kebencian – mungkin kita merasa kemarahan kita melindungi kita dan memberi kita kekuatan. Tapi hidup dengan kemarahan itu seperti hidup dengan tubuh yang di gerogoti kanker (Hal tersebut merusak tubuh, jiwa dan juga hubungan kita). Hal ini akan muncul dalam sikap Anda, cara Anda berpakaian, tato, rokok, atau sesuatu yang agresif (sebagai contoh sewaktu mengemudi).

Kapan kemarahan itu dibenarkan?

Anda mungkin pernah mendengar ungkapan “kemarahan kudus” adalah sesuatu yang baik. Tetapi permasalahannya kapan kita merasa marah dan tetap merasa kudus atau benar! Dan kapan seseorang yang memarahi Anda dan merasa tetap kudus! Bagaimana kita bisa membenarkan diri dan beralasan tentang kemarahan kita!

Kapasitas untuk merasa marah adalah normal dan baik. Jadi penting bagi kita untuk belajar mendengarkan perasaan marah kita, menyampaikan kebenaran dengan kasih, dan mengampuni mereka yang menyerang kita (Efesus 4:26). Tapi jika Anda dibesarkan dalam sebuah keluarga yang penuh amarah dimana kemarahan secara verbal dengan mudah di lontarkan, maka Anda memerlukan bantuan khusus untuk menanganinya.

Dalam Mazmur 34 Daud membagikan sebuah doa yang indah yang dapat kita hafalkan. Daud juga menunjukkan bagaimana untuk tidak merasa tertekan dan mengeluh atau menjadi marah (dua sisi dari sebuah koin), tapi malah sebaliknya menundukkan diri kepada Gembala yang Baik dan menunggu Dia Mazmur 37:1-8:Dari Daud. Jangan marah karena orang yang berbuat jahat, jangan iri hati kepada orang yang berbuat curang;sebab mereka segera lisut seperti rumput dan layu seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan hijau.

Percayalah kepada TUHAN dan lakukanlah yang baik, diamlah di negeri dan berlakulah setia, dan bergembiralah karena TUHAN; maka Ia akan memberikan kepadamu apa yang diinginkan hatimu.

Serahkanlah hidupmu kepada TUHAN dan percayalah kepada-Nya, dan Ia akan bertindak;Ia akan memunculkan kebenaranmu seperti terang, dan hakmu seperti siang.

Berdiam dirilah di hadapan TUHAN dan nantikanlah Dia; jangan marah karena orang yang berhasil dalam hidupnya, karena orang yang melakukan tipu daya.

Berhentilah marah dan tinggalkanlah panas hati itu, jangan marah, itu hanya membawa kepada kejahatan.

Penundukan kepada Allah menghilangkan kemarahan

“TUHAN adalah gembalaku, takkan kekurangan aku” (Mazmur 23:1) adalah salah doa penyerahan dan kepercayaan kepada Tuhan untuk segala penyediaannya. Atau doa yang Tuhan Yesus ajarkan, “datanglah Kerajaan-Mu, jadilah kehendak-Mu di bumi seperti di sorga.” (Matius 6:10).

Menundukkan diri kepada Tuhan adalah menyerahkan hasil akhirnya sepenuhnya kepada Dia, mempercayai bahwa apa yang Ia telah tetapkan untuk hidup kita adalah sesuatu yang baik dan Dia telah menanggung sebuah hal buruk yang mungkin kita alami. Mari praktekkanlah penundukan diri atas keinginan kita kepada Allah pencipta langit dan bumi – belajar merasa sukacita karena tahu bahwa Allah saja sudah lebih dari cukup untuk Anda – maka bersama dengan berjalannya waktu maka kemarahan itu akan menjauh dari Anda. Tuhan memberkati kita semua, Amin.- Petrus Yo.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Mendidik Keluarga Untuk Mencintai Alam...

Diawali dari musim liburan anak-anak sekolah tiba, kami bergegas mempersiapkan segala keperluan untuk pergi berkemah/camping. Saat ini, kami memutuskan untuk berkemah di lembah kaki gunung Pangrango, Bogor - Jawa Barat. Perjalanan ditempuh dalam waktu 2 jam dengan mengendarai mobil pribadi. Kami tiba di area parkir lokasi Bumi Perkemahan Taman Cibodas sekitar pukul 9 pagi dan langsung membongkar serta mempersiapkan barang-barang atau peralatan yang akan dipergunakan di lokasi perkemahan. Akhirnya kami semua senang menikmati acara berkemah walaupun udara sangat dingin pada saat itu, namun kami, terutama anak-anak dapat belajar mencintai alam sehingga dapat memelihara atau melestarikannya... Pada bagian bawah blog ini, saya tampilkan foto-slide kami pada saat berkemah.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011


Twister! Understanding -- and Surviving -- Tornadoes

Whether you live in "Tornado Alley" or not, spring brings to your state the increased possibility of a deadly tornado. Are you prepared? Education World helps you learn about the meteorological events that signal the possibility of a tornado and what safety measures you and your students can take to survive.

Tornado gives every time a deadly tornado strikes, it serves as a fresh reminder of the power of nature. It also serves as a reminder of the need for students everywhere to learn about tornadoes, their causes, and the safety precautions that might save lives.

The National Weather Service defines a tornado as "a violently rotating column of air pendant from a thunderstorm cloud and touching the ground." Each year, about 100,000 thunderstorms form over the United States. In an average year, between 600 and 1,000 of those thunderstorms generate tornadoes.

Although most U.S. tornadoes occur in only a handful of states, tornadoes can -- and do -- occur in every state. Every student in the country needs to be prepared to deal with the deadly storms. What do your students know about tornadoes? What do you know?

Do You Know That ...?

Tornadoes are the most destructive of all weather-related events.
On average, a tornado's path is 4 miles long and 400 yards wide but can be as long as 100 miles and as much as a mile wide.
Tornadoes can reach heights of 60,000 feet.
The average tornado travels at a speed of 25 to 40 mph., but tornadoes can reach speeds up to 70 mph.
Winds inside a tornado can swirl at close to 300 mph.
Tornadoes stay on the ground for an average of four to five minutes; however, a tornado can touch down several times.
Most tornadoes move from southwest to northeast.
Most tornadoes in the Northern Hemisphere rotate in a counter-clockwise direction. Most tornadoes in the Southern Hemisphere rotate in a clockwise direction.
Building damage during a tornado happens when high winds cause a buildup of pressure on building surfaces. This pressure is related to wind velocity squared.
Most tornadoes occur between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Tornadoes occur throughout the world; however, the greatest number of tornadoes and most intense tornadoes occur in the United States.
About 800 tornadoes touch down in the United States each year.
Half of all tornadoes occur during the spring months of April, May, and June.
Tornadoes can form in any state but they occur most frequently in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas.
Only 2 percent of tornadoes are considered violent, but those storms cause 70 percent of tornado-related deaths.
On average, 100 people are killed by tornadoes each year.
A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather alert radio receiver, equipped with a warning siren, can warn of an impending tornado when people are sleeping.

What more is there to know? The activities below will help your students explore weather, understand tornadoes and their power, and prepare them to act if a severe storm warning is issued for your area. Severe weather isn't any fun -- but these activities will be!

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

The Unforgetable Date - Narration Paragraph - Task 1 STBA

Last September 8th was my daughter’s birthday. That was the day which made me feel guilty because I really forgot about her birthday. Early in the morning, I went to my work place which is located not too far from my college, Buddhi University. I had plenty of works to do in the shop and the time went by so quickly that I wouldn't realize it if my assistant didn’t tell me that he wanted to go home. Afterward, I went to Buddhi University to get some English lectures and the lessons finished late, at about 9.00 pm. Having arrived home, I told my daughter that I was sorry since I forgot to buy her birthday present. My teardrops fell when my daughter replied that it was okay because she didn’t need anything for her birthday and she even asked me to save the money for her education later on. Thus, I promised to myself not to forget her birthday again and of course... the present.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Structure - Task 1

6th October,2011
Petrus Yohanes Putra – 20112003010 – STBA 1
Subject : Structure
Lecturer : Mr. Wiji

Adjective and Adverb – Equative
• Adjective
Adjective is a word that names a quality and that used to define or to limit a noun in the sentence. Adjective must be followed by a noun to make a complete and clear meaning in the sentence.
Some example words of adjective : happy, sad, big, strong, small, short, tall, hot, cool, young, old, black, blue, thin, thick, beautiful, expensive, etc.

We can use Adjective equative to compare people, thing and places in the same way or in the different way.
The pattern is ...... as + adjective + as .......
Example sentences : Nancy is as tall as Tom.
She is not as strong as him.
The red flowers are as beautiful as the white ones.
A new car is not as expensive as an old one.

• Adverb
Adverb is a word that modifies verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
Some example words of adverb : quietly, very fast, absolutely, quickly, safely, etc.
We can use Adverb equative to compare action (verb) in the same way or in the different way.
The pattern is ………….. as + adverb + as ……..
Example sentences : Tom drives a car as safely as his father does.
He doesn’t drive a car as very fast as a racer does.

Petrus Yohanes Putra - 20112003010

• Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense is one of tense that tells us a daily or habitual activity.
1. Nominal pattern
(+) S (I / You / We / They) + To Be (am, are) + Complement.
S (He / She / It) + To Be (Is) + Complement.
Example : They are in the class room.
She is beautiful.
(-) S (I / You / We / They) + To Be (am, are) not + Compliment.
S (He / She / It) + To Be (is) not + Compliment.
Example : We are not (aren’t) in the class room.
She is not (isn’t) beautiful.
(?) To Be (am, are) + S (I / You / We / They) + Complement?
To Be (is) + S (He / She / It) + Compliment?
Example : Are they in the class room?
Is he clever?
The answer : Yes, S (He / She / It) is … Or … No, S (He / She / It) is not (isn’t).
Yes, I am … or … No, I am not.
Yes, S (You / We / They) are … or … No, S (You / We / They) are not.

2. Verbal pattern

(+) S (He / She / It) + Verb1 + s/es + O + adverbial.
S (They / We / I/ You) + Verb 1 + O + adv.

(-) S (He / She / It) + does not/doesn’t + V1 + O + adv.
S (They / We / I / You) + do not/don’t + V1 + O + adv.

(?) Does + S (He / She / It) + V1 + O + adv. of time ?
Do + S (They / We / I / You) + V1 + O + adv. of time ?
The answer : Yes, S (He / She / It) does. or …. No, S (He/She?it) doesn’t.
Yes, S (They / We / I / You) do. or ….. No, S (They/We/I/You) don’t.

Petrus Yohanes Putra - 20112003010

 Adverbial of time : everyday, every week/month/year, once a week/month/year, twice a week/month/year.
 Adverbial of frequency : usually, always, sometimes, generally, often, rarely, seldom, ever, never, on and off, occasionally, now and then.

Example :
1. (+) Mr. Blaire takes his money from the bank once a week.
(-) Mr. Blaire doesn’t take his money from the bank once a week.
(?) Does Mr. Blaire take his money from the bank once a week?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
2. I always wake up early in the morning everyday. My wife cooks some meals for our breakfast every morning. I usually eat at the factory’s canteen in the lunch time. We are not usually busy on Sunday morning. So, my wife and I go to the garden and clean it out.
My wife plants some new flowers twice in a month. We go to the restaurant every night and take our dinner over there. We sometimes go to the beach and we never get bored to go there. I never watch the movie at the cinema. I always watch the movie at my home.